What's new with you? Four years later – Urgy 2020 - 01
Four years after their last episode, the two catch up on some of the things that have happen since.
Unsurprisingly, that starts with football and drag shows.
Read MoreIntimate and spectacular / Present and Online
Jacob Zimmer collaborates to create performances and interactions with curiosity, kindness, and play. Check out Nakai Theatre for Jacob’s Yukon based work.
Four years after their last episode, the two catch up on some of the things that have happen since.
Unsurprisingly, that starts with football and drag shows.
Read MoreChange is in the air.
Read MoreSurprise, delight and relevance in stories and life.
Read MoreTalking, dramaturgically, through the New Funding Model announced by the Canada Council. In part two we talk and "Engage and Sustain" and "succession."
Read MoreTalking, dramaturgically, through the New Funding Model announced by the Canada Council. In part one we talk design and "Explore and Create".
Read MoreVicki Stroich (Alberta Theatre Projects) and Jacob Zimmer (Small Wooden Shoe, Lougheed Leadership) talk dramaturgy, theatre, leadership and being human.
This time, designing and evaluating things that are hard to evaluate.
On twitter: Jacob (@jacobzimmer) and Vicki (@vickistroich)
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Vicki Stroich (Alberta Theatre Projects) and Jacob Zimmer (Small Wooden Shoe, Lougheed Leadership) talk dramaturgy, theatre, leadership and being human.
Jacob and Vickie at the genre movies!
We give explicit central plot details away for:
Also included: some conversation on ideology, story structure, ethics, recurring myths, parables et al.
On twitter: Jacob (@jacobzimmer) and Vicki (@vickistroich)
Theme: "The Beach! The Beach" by Holy Coast on the Free Music Archive.
Vicki and Jacob talk about groups, making decisions, "We" and "I", dramaturgy and the connections between all of those things.
On twitter: Jacob (@jacobzimmer) and Vicki (@vickistroich)
"The Beach! The Beach" by Holy Coast on the Free Music Archive.
Being taken seriously and signalling artist at the same time and other sartorial dramaturgical questions. Also, Jacob goes back to schools.
Read MoreIn which Vicki talks about talking about how she approaches dramaturgy and question finding - and how that changes when you're the Executive Director, not the dramaturge.
Jacob addresses questions with help from Frank Cox-O'Connell in Dedicated to the Revolutions (2009)
On twitter: Jacob (@jacobzimmer) and Vicki (@vickistroich)
"The Beach! The Beach" by Holy Coast on the Free Music Archive.
We talk reasons to travel and what a person might learn. We wander into conference and festival design pretty quick from there.
Read MoreJacob Zimmer and Vicki Stroich talk dramaturgically about the Canada Council #newfundingmodel and the way it's being announced, designed and received.
Read MoreCelebration, difficulty, hope and success. Jacob and Vicki talk working on different problems with different people based on our experience at Hope Decoded at the Banff Centre's Lougheed Leadership.
Read MoreJacob (@jacobzimmer) and Vicki (@vickistroich) talk to each other from closer than usual.
They talk about vulnerability, confidentiality, leadership and twitter.
Jacob Zimmer (@jacobzimmer) and Vicki Stroich (@vickistroich) talk about "excellence" and whether artists are special. Part 2 of talking about 4 ways to make the arts for everyone, not just the chosen few.
Read MoreJacob and Vicki talk about space for theatre, travelling locally and where leadership hangs out.
Read MoreJacob and Vickitalk about the death of artist, curator and friend Michael Green, his life and many of things he inspired and demonstrated – faith, openness, curiousity and remembering the good reasons we do what we do.
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Vicki and Jacob talk origin stories, fear, the importance of honesty in building onging relationships, Jacob's trip to Japan and being clear.
Read MoreJacob and Vicki talk lessons learned and how we imagine the audience for our stuff and what use doing that might be.
Read MoreJacob and Vicki talk about when she became an honorary citizen of Disneyland. And when the line is not the ride but is part of the ride experience.
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