The Mysterious Death of W.B. (2014)
Jacob Zimmer, Susanna Fournier, Becky Johnson, Chris Stanton. Photo by Lyon Smith
Part of the Fun Palace Radio Variety Show
A hard-boiled detective, Gabriel Novus, has retired to the quiet life of selling rare books in Paris. That’s all about to change. The year is 1941, the Stalin-Hitler pact is in full effect and the Nazis are in Paris.
A story of intrigue, and possibly murder, surrounding Walter Benjamin, one of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers. Written by Jacob Zimmer with interruptions from Benjamin himself. And, though based on actual people and events, The Mysterious Death of WB is a work of fiction. The truth unknown -- or even when it's known, we just make it up.
Credits: Jonathan Adjemian, Christopher Stanton, Becky Johnson, Jacob Zimmer, Susanna Fournier, Brendan Gall, Richard Feren
Directed by Chris Earle and Sherri Hollet